
Body Fat Calculator Accuracy

Body Fat Calculator Accuracy

Last week we were trying to find a small rug for the bathroom when we walked by the bathroom scales at the local Wal-Mart. My eye quickly noticed that this new-fangled scale had a body fat calculator just like mine, but was much newer! These high tech things seem to get outdated as soon as you walk out the store.

The main problem I have with mine, and maybe you've found this, too, is that the body fat calculator reads differently throughout the day. I pondered if the new-fangled one I just saw was more accurate and had more features. Later I learned the reason for the descrepancies had nothing to do with the electronics.

No time to read a manual, I just wanted to load the batteries up and kick the on switch - wait for the familiar beeps and peek through my fingers at the final reading. Isn't that what you do? Still,MBT Kaya Schuhe, I wanted to know why the unit had different readings at different times of the day. So I found out.

I know I needed to get rid of fat, and through my studies I have found that is the best way to lose weight and regain health. We all need some fat - but that magic number is lower than what I was carrying around. I needed to concentrate on losing and tracking my daily results.

Everytime I put the bathroom scale body fat calculator up against any other method of determining body fat,Mbt Schuhe Pata, the scale read higher. I used the tape measure method and the caliper method,Mbt Schuhe Nafasi, and yes, there was a noticable difference. From my research I found that the time of day that I was taking the measurement greatly affected the accuracy of the unit.

These units use a small amount of current,MBT Tariki Schuhe, dispensed by the metallic foot pads,Mbt Sandalen Katika, and measure the amount of resistance. Since by nature lean tissue is a better transmitter of electricity than fat, the device can measure the amount of current flowing through and make a pretty good estimate of the percentage of body fat. So why does it ever differ - sometimes greatly?

There are certain parameters (that they talk about in that booklet that comes with the unit that no one reads) that have to be figured in like - time of day,Mbt Sandalen Swala, how much fluid you drink, your body temperature,mbt zum Verkauf, if you just worked out - all which affect that current flow I mentioned. Those factors skew the results of the body fat calculator.

If you buy one of these units, yes - they can be pretty accurate, but... you need to use them at the same time of day, each day. I suggest using the scale the first thing when you get up. This way, you can chart or as with my unit, it memorizes the readings and shows if you've gained or lost. It's important to discover that by losing weight, if you need to, you will not only look better - you'll feel fantastic too. Most people say their mental clarity increases dramtically. So get your body fat calculator and start using it! 相关的主题文章:

